Life Events


We welcome both children and adults in Holy Baptism. As one of the Sacraments of the Church, Baptism uses the symbols of water, oil, and candlelight to express the deep change that God makes real in us as we enter life in Christ.  

For more information and to schedule a baptism, please click here



In Confirmation, baptized persons are “confirmed” in the Christian faith with the laying on of hands by a bishop. This is a service where we ask the Holy Spirit to bless those who come forward to reaffirm the faith they professed in Baptism. When Baptism promises were made on behalf of young children by parents and godparents, confirmation serves as an individual’s personal declaration of faith in God and an offering of life to God’s will and a commitment to life within the community of Christ, not only at Christ Church but around the world. Confirmation is a time of exploration, discovery and commitment which will require participants to grow in community with God and each other as well as engage in the life of the Church.

Contact The Rev. Laura Mann Magevney for information on confirmation, reception or reaffirmation.


Getting married in the context of a Christian service is a great start of your life together. We offer all our worship sites as wedding venues and you can request clergy attend your wedding off campus. We use the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer Service at all our weddings. The Book of Common Prayer is online for your reference. When we perform services in the main church or chapel on our Ponte Vedra campus, we offer a wedding coordination team to ensure that your special day is as stress-free as possible. Contact Liz McCarthy to discuss holding your wedding ceremony at Christ Church. 904-285-6127 


Those who have been confirmed in other denominations by a bishop in the historic succession (Roman Catholic, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, or Eastern Orthodox) may be received into the Episcopal Church. Many people choose to be Received as a way of affirming their baptism; of acceding a stronger affinity with the spirituality, ethos, practice, and sensibility of the Episcopal Church; and of ritually acknowledging a deeper, more mature faith commitment.

Funeral Services

The clergy, staff and members of Christ Church are here to support you when there is a death in your family, or as you prepare for your own death. We offer funeral and memorial services in our Church and Chapel. Our services use the Book of Common Prayer and there is plenty of space to choose music and readings. Many choose to have Holy Communion at the service. We have professional musicians and a great florist. We work with all local funeral directors, and we have a trained professional team to coordinate funerals. Parishioners may purchase space in the Memorial Garden. We also offer a pre-need funeral planning option, which can be a blessing at a difficult time. Clergy may be available for alternative venues, especially for parishioners. For details, please contact us at 904-285-6127.


Those who have been baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal Church (or any member church in the Anglican Communion) and wish to recommit themselves to the Christian life of faith may choose to reaffirm their baptismal covenant.


Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation happen once a year, at the annual visit of the Bishop. For more information, or to register contact The Rev. Laura Mann Magevney