Christ Church Scholarship Commission

The Education and Scholarship Commission is committed to supporting, aiding, and assisting all in our community who wish to pursue education and further their skills but lack the means to accomplish this critical goal. We consider this mission a sacred obligation.

Research and our own experience show us that education matters not only for employment and income potential but also for quality of life. We know that advanced education is increasingly expensive, and student loans are the second highest form of household debt.

John 10:10 says "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." In today's world, education is a critical component to living life abundantly.

About the Scholarship Program

Scholarships and Grants

We provide Florida Prepaid 4 Year Scholarships covering tuition costs for 120 credit hours at universities and colleges in Florida. We also provide grants paid directly to the college or university in the student’s behalf to help offset the cost of higher education or vocational training.

More high school graduates and young adults within our congregation are seeking certifications, apprenticeships, or vocational training programs. We are developing our capability to assist candidates with costs and resources to make informed decisions about their career choices. 


The Christ Church Charitable Foundation has supported students pursuing their dreams of higher education for over 30 years. Scholarships and grants funded through events and endowments helped them become doctors, entrepreneurs, accountants, pharmacists, lawyers, priests, and technicians among other vocations. 

Beth - FSU Graduate 2021, BA Theatre, Magna Cum Laude, College of Fine Arts Humanitarian of the Year Award winner

“The Christ Church Scholarship gave me the financial freedom to focus on my studies and artistry, and I am forever grateful for that gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. "

Ryan – FSU Class of 2023, BA Marketing

“…words are not enough to describe how helpful this scholarship has been to me as a student, and as a young adult who wants to eventually give back to my community.”

Join Us

We are looking for Commission members to help us

  • Build awareness of our Ministry
  • Mentor our scholars,
  • Build our program content and resources
  • Raise funds

Please email Dave at [email protected]Click to send an email - Click to send an email

Commission Members

Dave Bovée

Lindsey Bloodworth

Sue Gregg

Karen Hunt

Randy Laco

Leslie Allen

Kathie Seabrook

Duncan Thomas

Before You Apply

The Scholarship Process has been revised to streamline the application process for students and families. Before beginning your online application, please read the sections below carefully. Preparing your documents before you begin the online application will make the process simpler.

Please save all documents as PDFs with the following file name:

FirstInitialLastName-Document Title

(example: CSlone-Teacher Recommendation)