What to Expect
Come as you are!
Christ Church is a hub of activity for worship, ministry, fellowship, education, community programs and events for each age and stage of life. Our church is an inclusive, welcoming place, and we look forward to saying hello, showing you around, and making sure your experience makes you want to return often!
Ponte Vedra Beach Campus
Our two-level parking garage is accessed from the San Juan Drive entrance. There is convenient parking marked for those with mobility issues, before entering the garage as well as on both levels of the garage. Our surface parking lot can be accessed from our Golfview Drive entrance or through the rear of the parking garage.
Children are welcome to attend and participate in all of our services. The Jordan service has a space called the "prayground” where children are welcome to sit and color, read, play with toys.
There are chairs for adults who want to accompany your children but there is often an adult volunteer who will keep watch over them while you worship. Our nursery welcomes children 4 months – 5 years old on Sundays during church services and Sunday school. Staff are trained and there is high staff to child ratio. Our nursery director would be happy to discuss your child’s needs and answer any questions. Advance registration is required. LEARN MORE
Many who visit Christ Church come from other faith traditions, and all are welcome and encouraged to participate. In most of our worship spaces you will be given a service bulletin as you enter. You will find most of the readings and lyrics in the bulletin, which you are encouraged to take with you after the service. The Jordan service uses screens to display the words and information you need to participate.
All are invited to share Communion at God’s Table.
After the 9:00 a.m. service, Newcomers are encouraged to drop in at the hospitality room in the Formation + Arts building to meet our Parish Life coordinator and ask any questions you may have.
Everyone is welcome. If you yourself have, or if you have children who have, some sort of special need you may have additional questions. Food restrictions, hearing, mobility, sight and ESE are all covered below. Please let us know if you have a need we have not covered.
Dietary restrictions:
Gluten. Our Eucharistic Services all have a Gluten free option. When you come to the rail, simply tell the priest you need gluten free bread. Gluten free bread is available at all Sunday Services.
For those with extreme sensitivity, gluten free wafers are individually wrapped to prevent contamination. At 9 a.m. and 11.15 a.m. in the main sanctuary we have a separate chalice. We are happy to expand this to any service, we just have not had demand.
Alcohol: Our wine contains alcohol. If, for any reason, you would rather not receive the wine, please just cross your arms across your chest. Usually the chalice-bearer will stop and say “The Blood of Christ” but will know to then move on. Receiving communion in one kind (just bread or just wine) has long been understood to be just as good as taking both.
Mobility issues:
Wheelchairs: All our venues, except for the Chapel, have space for wheelchairs (including electric chairs). There are elevators to the upper level. Please ask if you are confused (our campus is big, we know it takes a while to learn your way around).
Other mobility issues: We do have a wheelchair in the Main Sanctuary if you cannot get in from your car. If you are with someone please send them in to ask an usher. If you are on your own, please call ahead so that we can look out for you. We will always bring communion to you, please let the ushers know.
Hearing issues:
We have a Hearing Loop system installed in the main sanctuary. Instructions are posted in the narthex (lobby).
Sight issues:
We have large print bulletins and prayer books available. Please ask the Ushers. Ushers will also be happy to help you to your seat and assist you in getting to communion.
Children with special needs:
We understand children have a wide range of needs, and we hope to provide a safe place where every child, including those with different abilities, can grow in faith. All children are welcome in our worship services. Children in Sunday School have the option of having an assigned “buddy,” an older youth or adult volunteer assigned specifically to them to discretely ensure that the participant is safe and comfortable at all times. If your child has a special need which would require greater expertise than a general volunteer can provide, a parent is welcome to accompany the participant at programs for children or youth, or we can work together to find a volunteer who has professional special needs expertise to support your child. To discuss your child’s needs and how best we can support them, please contact Amy Schmitt .