Bold Giving
Bold Giving
The clergy, Vestry, Foundation, Strategic Planning Committee and lay ministry leaders of our church are in agreement. Now is the time to act on our Bold Faith to fully live into God’s calling here, and to secure the Bold Future of Christ Church.
We ask that you prayerfully consider how you might make a deeply meaningful and sacrificial gift. Consider also the number of years you will take to fulfill your pledge. Every gift will have a significant impact on the future of our Church.
You may also choose to honor a family member or friend through a naming opportunity.

Ways to Give
- Pledge or make your gift online
- Contact the Church finance office at 285-6127 to set up the following gift options:
- Automatic draft payment
- Stock, IRA, or other financial instrument transfer
Please consult a financial advisor, accountant, or lawyer regarding the current significant tax advantages which are readily available and are likely to apply to your gift.
Honorary Chairs
Fr. Jim and Tay Cooper
Steve and Betsy Crosby
Lou and Heather Fouts
Hollie Anderson
Martha Baker
Darby Brower
Cheryl Brownlee
Ed Burr
Ken DeVault
Tom Dodson
Wayne Galloway
Rodger Goldman
Byron Hodnett
Leslie Hodnett
Jay McGarvey
Bill Murdock
Rose Murdock
Ned Peverley
Tom Smith
Russ Thomas
Amy Wacaster
Thom Wilkinson
John Willim
Fr. Tom Reeder
Fr. Keith Oglesby
Fr. Keith Oglesby
Mike Shepherd
Liz McCarthy
Liz McCarthy
Nancy White