Bold Worship

In our effort to increase the overall quality of the worship experience at Christ Church, a newly designed, expanded Cooper Chapel will offer versatility of worship and service opportunities, and graceful accommodations for small weddings, baptisms, memorials, and other life celebrations.

The space is purposely designed to preserve the tranquil worship experience enjoyed by the congregation here. The beloved stained glass features from the current chapel will also be incorporated into the design of the new space.

An outdoor gathering area adjacent to the Memorial Garden will add to the flexibility and enjoyment of the Cooper Chapel and garden.

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    Honorary Chairs
    Fr. Jim and Tay Cooper

    Steve and Betsy Crosby
    Lou and Heather Fouts
    Hollie Anderson
    Martha Baker
    Darby Brower
    Cheryl Brownlee
    Ed Burr
    Ken DeVault
    Tom Dodson
    Wayne Galloway
    Rodger Goldman
    Byron Hodnett
    Leslie Hodnett
    Jay McGarvey
    Bill Murdock
    Rose Murdock
    Ned Peverley
    Tom Smith
    Russ Thomas
    Amy Wacaster
    Thom Wilkinson
    John Willim
    Fr. Tom Reeder
    Fr. Keith Oglesby

    Mike Shepherd
    Liz McCarthy
    Nancy White