Youth Ministry
Our Mission…
…is to create a sanctuary for every young person to experience the love of Christ. Our youth are building a foundation of faith in a safe and inclusive community. In real and relevant ways, our young people are taking their place in their community, their church, and the world, loving and serving others in the example of Jesus.
Youth Ministry Community Covenant

Christian Formation
Youth Formation (Sunday School) is one of the many places where we learn more about scripture, and the ways that God is active in our world today. All youth (middle and high schoolers) are invited to join Youth Staff at the Youth House each week from 10:15-11:00am for a conversation on the weeks’ readings!
During the summer months, we meet in the Dining Room for breakfast and conversation on the days' scripture readings.

Weekly Youth Group Activities
Most youth activities meet in the Youth House, a converted residence at the corner of Solana Road and Golf View Circle (across the street from the church campus). With a full kitchen, pool and ping pong tables, basketball court and tons of seating, it’s the perfect spot for youth to unwind, connect, and explore their faith together. Our red front door symbolizes sanctuary – this is a safe place for all who enter.
Weekly youth group meetings include games, a devotional message and conversation, and prayer.
Homework & Hangs: Every Wednesday during the school year, from 3:30-4:30 pm, 6-12th Grade Students are invited to drop by and hang out at the Youth House! Our time together is unstructured, but supervised social time. Snacks and drinks are available for everyone who attends.
Low Tide: Middle School Youth Group (grades 6-8) meets weekly during the school year, on Wednesday, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm.
High Tide: High School Youth Group (grades 9-12) meets weekly on Wednesday, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
The Rite of Confirmation is for all those in the 9th-12th grades and above wishing to confirm their baptismal vows and make a mature commitment to Christ and the church. Click here to learn more!
Our 2024-2025 process began in September. Please reach out to the Rev. Laura Mann Magevney with any questions about next year's confirmation process.
Through outreach, we share the love of God in Christ with those in need. We partner with several organizations throughout Jacksonville and the Beaches community, including BEAM, Mission House, and Church Without Walls. We have carried Christ’s love into the world during mission trips to Charlotte, Miami, and Bolivia.
The first Friday of every month, we meet at Mission House at 4:45 to cook and serve dinner to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We are done by 6:30.

The Lighthouse
Christ Church Youth Ministry welcomes all youth to our programs, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. We also host a safe space for LGBTQIA+ teens called The Lighthouse. For more information about The Lighthouse, click here.
Diocesan Events
The Diocese of Florida offers several single day and overnight events. The Youth Ministry promotes and participates in Diocesan events including New Beginnings, Happening, BreakOut, and Summer Camp at Camp Weed. For more information visit