
We care for one another, for our community, and the world.
Our lay-led Caring Connections Ministry works with our clergy and staff to serve the pastoral needs of our parish, ensuring that no one walks alone.
Justice ministries such as ICARE and Kairos allow us to walk alongside our neighbors who face challenging circumstances. As we work together and develop relationships, we gain a deeper understanding of their struggles as well as our own, and bear witness to Christ’s abundant grace for all of us in this difficult yet beautiful world.
Our Recovery Ministry is dedicated to helping families navigate the rough terrain of addiction and recovery, with compassion, support, and education. We also host multiple twelve-step programs on our campus.
We share God’s blessings through faithful giving of our time, talent and treasure.
Our Parish Life Ministry helps to coordinate opportunities to serve God and our neighbors. In addition to monetary support, we participate in faithful service with many of our community partners, here and abroad. In-kind giving is an integral part of our lives together. Our monthly food drive generates thousands of pounds of food and supplies for our neighbors in need, and our love flows into the community in response to calls for school supplies, clothing and more throughout the year.
It is only through your faithful giving to Christ Church that all of this is possible. Members are encouraged to make a financial pledge or recurring gift each year. Your regular giving enables us to minister to the needs of those who come through our doors, to celebrate God’s love with worship and music, to help people to grow in their lives of faith, and to welcome and engage the community, through compassion, creativity, and hospitality.