Jordan Services
Sundays at 9:00 and 11:15 in the Contemporary Worship Space
The Jordan Services offer a space for the flowing together of the best of our Christian tradition, our vision for the future, and God’s dreams for us.
- At the Jordan River, Jacob struggles with God, found a blessing (Genesis 32). This is a place for us to struggle openly with God and find our blessings together.
- At the Jordan River, God’s healing was given to everyone (II Kings 5). This is a place for all of us to find healing.
- At the Jordan River, the people were called to change their hearts and hear good news (Mark, 1:4-5; Matthew 3:1-3). This is a place for each of us to find a new start, a new path, and a new kingdom.
- At the Jordan River, Jesus was able to find safety in a time of trouble (John 10:39-40)
This is a place for us to find safety and rest.
- At the Jordan River, God’s people remember forever that God has led them home (Joshua 4).
This is where home is.
Welcome home.