
November 12, 2021

Message: “A New Day” from Kevin Carroll

A message from the series "A New Day Testimonials." Speaking in the church during the 9:00 AM Eucharist service, Kevin shares his thoughts on why the church is important to him and his family.
November 10, 2021

Message: “Sermón de las Misa” from Fr. Christopher Dell

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." En el pasaje anterior a este, Jesús ha estado discutiendo con expertos religiosos. Entonces otro experto le hizo una pregunta sencilla a Jesús: “¿Cuál es el primero de todos los mandamientos?” Toda persona judía desde la niñez ha aprendido la respuesta de esta pregunta, el Shemá y Jesús da esa respuesta. Él también agrega una segunda parte: amar a tu prójimo. ¿Como estos dos mandamientos están conectados a tu vida de fe? ¿Cómo seguir uno de los mandamientos te ayuda a seguir el otro? ¿Qué has aprendido sobre el amor en tu vida?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Jordan Service” from Fr. Keith Oglesby

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In the passages prior to this one, Jesus has been disputing with religious experts. Then another expert tosses Jesus a softball, “What is the greatest commandment?” Every Jewish person from childhood has learned the response to that question, the Shema; and Jesus gives that answer. He also adds a second part– to love your neighbor. How have you found these two commandments to be connected in your life of faith? How does following one help you to follow the other? What have you learned about love in your life?