November 10, 2021

Message: “Traditional Service” from Deacon Leila Quinlan

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In the passages prior to this one, Jesus has been disputing with religious experts. Then another expert tosses Jesus a softball, “What is the greatest commandment?” Every Jewish person from childhood has learned the response to that question, the Shema; and Jesus gives that answer. He also adds a second part– to love your neighbor. How have you found these two commandments to be connected in your life of faith? How does following one help you to follow the other? What have you learned about love in your life?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Sermón de las Misa” from Fr. Andreis Diaz

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." En el Evangelio de esta semana, un hombre ciego que mendigaba al costado del camino clama a Jesús por misericordia. Las personas alrededor del mendigo tratan de callarlo, pero Jesús lo escucha, habla con él y lo cura. ¿Con quién te identificas en esta historia? ¿Alguna vez has pedido ayuda a gritos y han querido callarte? ¿Alguna vez has sido tú la persona tratando de callar a una persona necesitada? ¿Qué aprendiste de tus experiencias y de este Evangelio?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Jordan Service” from Deacon Marsha Holmes

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In this week’s Gospel, a man with a disability that has caused him to beg on the side of the road cries out to Jesus for mercy. The people around him try to keep him quiet. Jesus stands still and talks with the man and heals him. With whom do you identify in this story? Have you ever cried out for help and been told to keep quiet? Have you ever been the one trying to keep a person in need quiet? What did you learn from your experiences– and from this Gospel?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Traditional Service” from Fr. Andreis Diaz

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In this week’s Gospel, a man with a disability that has caused him to beg on the side of the road cries out to Jesus for mercy. The people around him try to keep him quiet. Jesus stands still and talks with the man and heals him. With whom do you identify in this story? Have you ever cried out for help and been told to keep quiet? Have you ever been the one trying to keep a person in need quiet? What did you learn from your experiences– and from this Gospel?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Sermón de las Misa” from Fr. Andreis Diaz

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." ¿En esta y otras historias del Evangelio se muestra la rivalidad entre los discípulos- quién es el más grande? ¿Quién estará gobernando con Jesús en su reino? Estas rivalidades hicieron que a menudo hubiera enojos y resentimientos entre ellos. ¿Quiénes son estas personas en nuestra vida, trabajo, vecindario – o incluso en la iglesia con las cuales tenemos diferencias? ¿Alguna vez hemos sentido ira o resentimientos hacia estas personas? ¿Cómo podrían ayudarnos las enseñanzas de Jesús sobre el ‘liderazgo de servicio’ a sanar estas relaciones?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Jordan Service” from Mother Wendy Billingslea

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In this and other stories from the Gospels, there seemed to be rivalry between the disciples—who is the greatest? Who will rule alongside Jesus in his kingdom? These rivalries often led to anger between them. Who are the rivals we contend with in our lives, work, neighborhood—or even the church? Do we ever feel anger or resentment towards them? How might Jesus’ instructions about servant leadership help us to heal these relationships?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Traditional Service” from Fr. Tom Reeder

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In this and other stories from the Gospels, there seemed to be rivalry between the disciples—who is the greatest? Who will rule alongside Jesus in his kingdom? These rivalries often led to anger between them. Who are the rivals we contend with in our lives, work, neighborhood—or even the church? Do we ever feel anger or resentment towards them? How might Jesus’ instructions about servant leadership help us to heal these relationships?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Sermón de las Misa” from Fr. Andreis Diaz

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." Este pasaje del Evangelio es sobre el encuentro de Jesús y “el joven, rico y seguidor de la ley”. Una persona religiosa que busca garantizar como heredar la vida eterna. Jesús le da dos respuestas, la primera, cumplir los mandamientos. El hombre le contestó que los ha cumplido. Entonces, Jesús lo llamó a una nueva vida de pobreza radical, generosidad y a seguirle como su discípulo. ¿Qué nos hace sentir incómodos en esta historia? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué imaginas que le dirías a Jesús si lo encontraras? ¿Qué te imaginas que te diría?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Jordan Service” from Fr. Keith Oglesby

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." This Gospel passage is about the encounter between Jesus and the “rich, young ruler.” A religious person is seeking assurances from Jesus about inheriting eternal life. Jesus gives two answers—first, Jesus told him to follow the central moral commandments of their faith. When the man answered that he had done all those, Jesus called him to a new life of radical poverty, generosity, and following Jesus as his disciple. What about this story makes us uncomfortable? Why? What do you imagine you would say to Jesus if you met him? What do you imagine he would say to you?