
November 10, 2021

Message: “Traditional Service” from Fr. Tom Reeder

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." This Gospel passage is about the encounter between Jesus and the “rich, young ruler.” A religious person is seeking assurances from Jesus about inheriting eternal life. Jesus gives two answers—first, Jesus told him to follow the central moral commandments of their faith. When the man answered that he had done all those, Jesus called him to a new life of radical poverty, generosity, and following Jesus as his disciple. What about this story makes us uncomfortable? Why? What do you imagine you would say to Jesus if you met him? What do you imagine he would say to you?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Sermón de las Misa” from Fr. Andreis Diaz

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." El tema de este pasaje es el divorcio. La enseñanza de Cristo en este pasaje a guiado a la iglesia por siglos. ¿Qué piensas sobre cómo Jesús reinterpreta la ley de las escrituras que permite el divorcio (Deuteronomio 24:1-4)? Jesús hizo esto señalando la intención original de Dios para el matrimonio. Cuáles son otros ejemplos de reinterpretación de la escritura en el Nuevo Testamento (por ejemplo, Marcos 7:14-23). ¿Cómo se ha visto esta reinterpretación de las escrituras en los últimos cincuenta años en la iglesia (por ejemplo, la ordenación de mujeres, permitiendo que las personas divorciadas se vuelvan a casar) ¿Como el Espíritu ha traído cambios en nuestras creencias?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Jordan Service” from Mother Wendy Billingslea

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." The main issue in this passage is divorce. Christ’s teaching here has guided the church for many centuries. What do you think about how Jesus re-interpreted a clear direction from scripture (Deuteronomy 24:1-4) allowing for divorce? Jesus did this by pointing to God’s original intention for marriage. What are other examples of re-interpretation of scripture in the New Testament (e.g., Mark 7:14-23)? How about in the past fifty years in the church (e.g., women’s ordination, allowing divorced people to re-marry)? How has the Spirit brought changes in what you believe? How has that been a source of grace for you? For others?
November 10, 2021

Message: “Traditional Service” from Fr. Keith Oglesby

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." The main issue in this passage is divorce. Christ’s teaching here has guided the church for many centuries. What do you think about how Jesus re-interpreted a clear direction from scripture (Deuteronomy 24:1-4) allowing for divorce? Jesus did this by pointing to God’s original intention for marriage. What are other examples of re-interpretation of scripture in the New Testament (e.g., Mark 7:14-23)? How about in the past fifty years in the church (e.g., women’s ordination, allowing divorced people to re-marry)? How has the Spirit brought changes in what you believe? How has that been a source of grace for you? For others?
November 9, 2021

Message: “Sermón de las Misa” from Fr. Andreis Diaz

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." En este pasaje, Jesús ofrece ideas sobre la importantica de la unidad y el amor. El resumen de su enseñanza es que debemos trabajar juntos en lo que importa, trabajar por la paz en nuestros corazones y relaciones. Si las palabras de Cristo son una guía, ¿Cómo lo estamos haciendo? ¿Qué podríamos necesitar hacer de manera diferente? ¿Tenemos personas en nuestras vidas con las que trabajamos en el nombre de Cristo, aunque no estamos de acuerdo en muchas cosas? Si no, ¿Por qué? ¿Hay personas en nuestras vidas a las que amamos profundamente, incluso si no estamos muy de acuerdo? Y de nuevo, si no ¿Por qué? Al final de nuestras vidas, lo que más importa es como amamos a los demás (y a nosotros mismo) en el nombre de Cristo.
November 9, 2021

Message: “Jordan Service” from Fr. Keith Oglesby

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In this passage, Jesus offers insights about the importance of unity and love. The summary of his teaching is that we are to work together on what matters, work for peace within our hearts and in our relationships. If the words of Christ are the standard, how are we doing? What might we need to do differently? Are there people in our lives that we work with in Christ’s name even if we do not agree on much? If not, why? Are there people in our lives that we love deeply, again even if we do not agree on much? And again, if not, why? At the end of our lives, what will matter most is how well we love others (including ourselves) in the name of Christ.
November 9, 2021

Message: “Traditional Service” from Fr. Tom Reeder

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In this passage, Jesus offers insights about the importance of unity and love. The summary of his teaching is that we are to work together on what matters, work for peace within our hearts and in our relationships. If the words of Christ are the standard, how are we doing? What might we need to do differently? Are there people in our lives that we work with in Christ’s name even if we do not agree on much? If not, why? Are there people in our lives that we love deeply, again even if we do not agree on much? And again, if not, why? At the end of our lives, what will matter most is how well we love others (including ourselves) in the name of Christ.
November 9, 2021

Message: “Sermón de las Misa” from Fr. Andreis Diaz

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." En este Evangelio, Jesús anuncia a sus discípulos su muerte y su resurrección. Las implicaciones de lo que esto significa para sus discípulos se abordan en la segunda mitad de este pasaje. Los discípulos empezaron a discutir sobre "quién es el más importante". Pero Jesús les enseña una manera radicalmente diferente: deben ser “siervos de todos” (de donde obtenemos la frase, “liderazgo de servicio”). Jesús entonces enfoca su atención en un niño; del mismo modo que recibimos a un niño es como si recibiéramos a Jesús en nuestra vida. Entonces las preguntas de esta semana son: ¿Cómo vivo mi fe? ¿Busco ser el “primero” o estoy sirviendo a los demás como enseñó Jesús? ¿Me tomo el tiempo de dar la bienvenida a los niños?
November 9, 2021

Message: “Jordan Service” from Fr. Andreis Diaz

A message from the series "A New Day: Sermon Series." In this Gospel, Jesus again teaches what is about to happen in terms of his betrayal, death, and resurrection. The implications of what this means for his disciples is addressed in the second half of this passage. Almost humorously, they are described as arguing about “who was the greatest.” Jesus teaches a radically different way for them and all his future followers—they are to be “servants of all” (where we get the modern phrase, “servant leadership”). Jesus then focuses their attention on a child— that how we welcome one child is a sign of how we welcome Jesus in our lives. So, our questions this week: How do I live my faith? Do I seek to be “first” or am I serving others as Jesus taught? Do I take time to welcome children?