Worship Ministries
Worship Ministry volunteers support the ongoing work of the church through creating a beautiful, serene environment for worship, and assisting with worship services. Please call or come by the office to get connected with the leader of the ministry you are interested in. Contact Leila at 285-7390 ext 223 or [email protected].
Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild prepare the altars in the churches, chapel and Parish Center for worship and maintain the silver and brass, the vestments and linens. There are several guilds, each responsible for specific services including Sundays, Wednesdays, baptisms and feast days throughout the year.
- Church Guild – San Juan and San Pablo
- Chapel Guild – San Juan
- Contemporary Service – San Juan
- Memorial /Funeral Guild – San Juan
- Wedding Guild – San Juan
- Altar Flower Guild – flowers are ordered as needed for services, including special celebrations. Memorial and thanksgiving offerings honoring family and friends are welcomed.
Adult Acolytes assist the clergy at the altar during worship services by helping to set the table and carrying the cross or tapers during procession. Youth Acolytes assist the clergy at the altar by helping to set the table and carrying the cross or tapers during the procession.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers are trained and then licensed by the Bishop to serve the chalice at Communion and to lead Morning and Evening prayer.
(Adult and Youth)
Lectors read the lessons during the worship service.
Church Mice
Church mice work “behind the scenes” every Thursday morning. They straighten prayer books and hymnals, restock the materials in the pew racks, making the church more welcoming.
Festival Decorations
The Festival Decorations Committee decorates the church and campus and the Contemporary Worship space with seasonal arrangements for holiday celebrations (i.e. greens for Christmas and lilies at Easter).
(Adult and Youth)
Ushers greet worshipers with bulletins as they arrive at church, provide seating assistance, receive the offering and help worshipers as they come to Communion.