Clergy Forum
A multi-generational gathering for “holy conversation” about the readings of the day and our spiritual lives.
Intro to the New Testament
A multi-generational Bible study. Facilitated by Scott Burch
Parents Small Group
Join other parents of children and youth as they discuss the Bible, the world and how to support each other and our children in Christian community. Facilitated by Mel & Thomas Johnson. Contact Mel Johnson
Traditional Bible Study
This multi-generational gathering is a place for Holy Conversation, inspiration and joyful discovery while studying the whole Bible. Facilitated by Gabe Bove
Welcome to Christ Church
Offered four times throughout the year, this class introduces Christ Church and what it means to be an Episcopalian. Contact The Rev. Deacon Leila Quinlan.
Education for Ministry (EfM)
In a weekly small group setting, Education for Ministry leads participants through four years of study, covering major areas of theological education. Registration required. Contact Virginia Carpenter.
Living, Loving, Learning
Women’s Bible Study
Fellowship, small group discussion, and Scripture study for daily living. Contact The Rev. Canon Laura Mann Magevney
Joyful Women Bible Study
Facilitated by Bonnie Crook and the Rev. Deacon Leila Quinlan Zoom only, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Contact The Rev. Deacon Leila Quinlan.
Clergy-led Bible Study
In-depth Bible class led by the Rev. Amy Slater and the Rev. Eric Kahl. Contact The Rev. Amy Slater.
Contemplative Community Circle
All ages, co-ed. Contact The Rev. Deacon Leila Quinlan.
Couples Community Circle
All ages, co-ed. Facilitators: Andy and Kim Scott 2nd + 4th Wednesdays. Contact Andy Scott
Wednesday Night Book Club
A spirited discussion surrounding the study of best-selling books that immerse spirituality with educational reading. Contact Mark Barrett.
Women in the Word
Lessons and readings from contemporary Bible-based curriculum. Facilitated by Mary Ann Reynolds, Kay Verble and Jane Wallace.
Education for Ministry (EfM)
In a weekly small group setting, Education for Ministry leads participants through four years of study, covering major areas of theological education. Registration required. Contact Lee Hunter.
Community of Hope International
COHI is a training ground for people to become holy listeners for individuals and groups in our community. The 11 week training prepares us to serve in creative ways and in a variety of settings. Contact The Rev. Deacon Leila Quinlan.
Men’s Bible Study
This clergy-led group meets weekly to discuss Scripture and enjoy a great breakfast. All men are welcome.
Soulful MOMS
This weekly meet-up for moms gathers for inspiring discussions, guest speakers, community service opportunities, and supportive connections. All moms are welcome! Contact Amy Schmitt.
The Center for Spirituality – Offers monthly workshops on a range of topics, seasonal exploration of spiritual practices through small group sessions and more. Contact The Rev. Deacon Leila Quinlan.
For more information on Christian Formation at our Ponte Vedra campus, contact The Rev. Canon Laura Mann Magevney. 904-285-6127.
Cursillo is an adult renewal ministry and community of the Episcopal church, which begins with a three-day retreat, of learning, sharing, and the inspirational experience of living in a Christian community. Contact: Ron Kessner.
Facing Racism
The Episcopal Church encourages congregations across the country to pursue a deeper understanding of race in America, and with that understanding to engage in the ministry of racial healing. Using films, books and grace-filled conversation, Facing Racism gathers for this holy work. Contact: Father Bob Morris or Deacon Marsha Holmes.
First Fridays in Nature
This gathering is for those who enjoy the beauty of the natural world and want to explore North Florida. We meet at various parks and preserves. Included in our time together are poems, prayers and reflections on sacred nature. All ages are welcome. Contact: Greg Andrews or Deacon Leila Quinlan
Gathering in Gardens
Horticultural therapist Trey Wilson offers a chance to learn more about the benefits of gardening and to create community with those who care deeply for the earth. We “get our hands dirty” improving spaces at Christ Church and the community. Contact Dr. Trey Wilson
MOMS Happy Hour
Members have fun while providing support and community for each other as well as participating in periodic service activities. Facilitated by Mel Johnson and Tina Brletich. Times and dates vary.
Sisters Abiding In Light and Truth is a group of moms in our 40s and 50s that meet monthly for contemplative study, sharing circles, mystical prayer and faith expansion. Join us for a moment of stillness in this busy world. Led by Candice Ster and Kristin Glunt.
60 + Fun
This group, made up of couples, singles and friends 60 years or older, meets quarterly for fun and fellowship. Examples of our activities include a croquet party, sing along and potluck social and trips to historical churches. Contact Carol Hager.