Get involved in worship

Worship is our expression of our love for God and is the foundation for all that we do at Christ Church. The many services offered each week depend upon those who faithfully serve in these ministries. We would love for you to get involved!


Adult Acolytes
Adult Acolytes serve at special services such as those held during Holy Week and our major liturgical feasts. Adults help by setting the table and carrying the cross or tapers during processions. Contact: Lisa Foster
Youth Acolytes
Youth Acolytes assist the clergy at the altar during Sunday worship services at 9.00 and 11.15 am Traditional worship services. Contact: Marianne Palmer
Altar Guild
Altar Guild members prepare the altars in the main sanctuary, chapel, and Contemporary Worship Space for all Sunday worship Services. They also care for items used such as silver, brass, vestments, and linens.

Church - Pam Mitchell

Chapel - Mary Bartlett Hiatt

Jordan Service - Kathy Blackman

Memorials/Funerals - Jane Wallace

Chancel Choir and Common Ground
The Chancel Choir leads the congregation in singing at the 11:15 a.m. services. All high school youth and adults are welcome. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evening. Common Ground vocal ensemble sings at 9 a.m.


Dr. Rachel Root

Childrens' Choirs
An opportunity for children ages 4 years old through 5th grade to sing, dance, play games and instruments and make new friends. The choir meets every Wednesday to rehearse and sings at services once a month.


Stephanie Murray

Wendy Waller

Church Mice
Church mice work “behind the scenes” once a week in the church, straightening and restocking materials in the pew racks, making the church welcoming and beautiful.

Contact: Patti and John Ernst

Eucharistic Ministers
Adults and Youth in their late teens are licensed by the bishop and trained by our ministry leaders to serve the chalice at communion and to lead morning and evening prayer.

Contacts: Lisa Foster

The Rev. Andreis Diaz

Festival Decorations
This team decorates the campus with seasonal arrangements for Holy Days. Contact: Mary Watson
Lectors (Adult & Youth)
Lectors read the Bible lessons appointed for Sunday during the worship services.

Contact: Robin Sheppard

Ushers (Adult & Youth)
Ushers greet worshipers as they arrive at church for traditional services, provide bulletins and seating assistance, collect the offering, and guide worshipers as they come to Communion.

Contact: Kathie Seabrook

Greeters welcome worshipers as they arrive at church for contemporary worship services and assist with communion.

Contact: Valerie Gambino

Our wedding coordinator works with the pastoral care director, clergy, and families to coordinate weddings at Christ Church.

Contact: Liz McCarthy

Welcome Team
The welcome team serves on Sundays welcoming and assisting visitors with directions and information. They staff the welcome carts and greet people as they enter the church campus.

Contact: Leila Quinlan

Courtyard/Outside Areas: Phyllis Bove